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Securing APIs using OAuth with Local Test Environment (LTE) and API Designer

By SWETHA SRIDHARAN posted Wed September 04, 2019 06:45 PM

This post is intended to show you the robust functionality of the Local Test Manager(LTE). Here, we are creating a Native OAuth Provider using Local Test Environment (LTE) and API Designer replicating the steps shown in this knowledge center tutorial- NativeOauthProviderTutorial

The pre-requisite for following this post is you have installed LTE and it’s running. If you haven’t installed yet, here’s the blog post detailing the installation steps – https://developer.ibm.com/apiconnect/2019/08/23/intall-local-test/

I have installed the LTE and it is running

Now, login into LTE as the admin user.

$apic login
server?  https://localhost:2000   
Realm? admin/default-idp-1
Username? admin
Password? 7iron-hide 

Before we start creating Authentication URL user registry, you will need the integration information of the authentication url and org url.

  $apic integrations:list-all -s https://localhost:2000

$apic orgs:list -s https://localhost:2000

We will be using the localtest porg's org url.

Create the user registry file. In this example, I have created the user registry usingauthurl.yaml that contains authentication url integration information. You have successfully completed steps 1 – 6 in the tutorial (link above)

$apic user-registries:create -s https://localhost:2000 -o admin authurl.yml

Create an OAuth provider of type native. I have created the oauth provider oauthapp.yml file for admin porg. With this, you have successfully completed steps 7 – 18 in the tutorial.

$apic oauth-providers:create -s https://localhost:2000 -o admin mainprovideroa.yml

Next steps include configuring my catalog with newly created resources - user registry and Oauth provider.  Before proceeding to that, login as shavon

$apic login
server? https://localhost:2000
realm? provider/default-idp-2
username? shavon
password? 7iron-hide 

To add the user registry to the sandbox catalog, I have my user registry url along with catalog URL, org url and integration url information as part of apiur.yml

$apic catalogs:list -s https://localhost:2000 -o localtest

 $apic  configured-api-user-registries:create -s https://localhost:2000 -o localtest -c sandbox --scope catalog configur.yml

The configoauth.yml contains the OAuth provider url information.

$apic configured-oauth-providers:create -s https://localhost:2000 -o localtest -c sandbox --scope catalog configoauth.yml

With this, you have successfully completed steps 20-30 in the tutorial.

Since we are using the Sandbox catalog, we can skip the steps for creating an app/subscription as we will be using the default test app that comes with sandbox. We can skip the section " Verify or create test application credentials" in the tutorial.

We will follow the exact same steps listed in Adding OAuth Security to an API section of the tutorial using API Designer.

Open the API Designer connecting to LTE. Open an API and go to Security Definitions. As seen from the screenshot, I’m able to select the OAuth provider “mainprovideroa” that we just created.

 Click on security and choose the OAuth resource that was added in the previous step.

 Click save and republish this API.

Click on the Assemble and then click Test icon.

 Select get /details in the Operation field and enter user in the Username field. Enter pass in the Password field.

 The next step is to obtain an OAuth token. In this case, cURL is used to obtain the token using the following command.

curl -k -v  https://gateway_url/org_name/sandbox/mainprovideroa/oauth2/token -d "grant_type=password&scope=sample_scope_1&username=user&password=pass&client_id=app_client_id&client_secret=app_client_secret"

 Enter or paste the access token in the access_token field. Here is an example token.


 Click Invoke

 I have also called the FindBranch API's endpoint using curl on CLI.

$curl -k -H "X-IBM-Client-Id: 8ba53b0eb86b4030fc72adb98eb83e47" -H "Authorization: Bearer AAIgOGJhNTNiMGViODZiNDAzMGZjNzJhZGI5OGViODNlNDevWkg77RzWWMHJj6tciDizINWEj4F0fkEPTvR_h71YvBziKM1YCWWnhWs1fQvL14dxLPYpkTT7bXoTt-x08M2rKZg__DQrI-35taU7jETJEQ" -X GET https://localhost:9444/localtest/sandbox/findbranch/details

The yaml files used in this demo can be found in this  repository

With LTE you can manage authentication and security of APIs locally on your laptop without having to connect to API Manager cloud instance. Developers can enjoy the ability to develop and test APIs independently with LTE.

Get started here to install LTE and try out these exciting features.

Here's a video snippet showing this. However, it does not show the end to end scenario explained above. It will be updated shortly.




Thu October 26, 2023 05:26 PM


This guide help us a lot! Thank you!. I have a question exists a template with all posible keys, like external url for metadata and so on? How we could check this templates?

Fri December 11, 2020 06:53 PM

After installation servers are up and able to login using cli, but when i am trying to login using designer by providing https://localhost:2000 as connection string, and user-name "shavon" and 7iron-hide as provided, getting an error not authorized, tried to debug and checked the logs of apic and saw there is some invoke of POST:/token and getting unable to generate oauth token , resource not registered. how to resolve this. any inputs helps