IBM Support

DFHSJ0210 SETUP_CLASS_TIMEDOUT during CICS TS 5.2 Java Liberty Profile Initialization

Question & Answer


Why am I receiving messages DFHSJ0210 with reason SETUP_CLASS_TIMEDOUT and DFHSJ0914E during my CICS Transaction Server for z/OS (CICS TS) V5.2 Java Liberty Profile initialization?

These are the message I receive:

DFHSJ0210 04/01/2016 00:34:09 CICSRN1 An attempt to start a JVM for the JVMSERVER resource LIBERTY has failed. Reason code: SETUP_CLASS_TIMEDOUT.

DFHSJ0914 E 04/01/2016 00:34:09 CICSRN1 CICSUSER JVMSERVER LIBERTY is installed as DISABLED because the Language Environment Enclave was not created.


For a JVMServer the setup class timeout is controlled by the OSGI_FRAMEWORK_TIMEOUT JVM server option. The default is 60 seconds but you can change it in your JVM profile. As stated in the CICS documentation:

Specifies the number of seconds that CICS waits for the OSGi framework to initialize or shut down before timing out. You can set a value 1 - 60000 seconds. The default value is 60 seconds. If the OSGi framework takes longer to start than the specified number of seconds, the JVM server fails to initialize...

I would suggest you try increasing the value by setting OSGI_FRAMEWORK_TIMEOUT=300 in your jvmprofile. After making this change, see if your JVM server initializes. You might have to increase the value a few times to get it right for your environment.

If after changing the OSGI_FRAMEWORK_TIMEOUT, you notice that you are getting the following new message in your dfhjvmerr file: profile: Server has not started after 60000 milliseconds

This indicates that the JVMServer initialization timed out again. But this time, it is due to the Java system property variable:

In this case, make sure you have both the following set in you Java Liberty Profile configuration:


Another option to try is using a shared class cache, add the -Xshareclasses option to the JVM profile of each JVM server. For more information on this topic see Tuning the JVM server startup environment. Also see Shared class cache.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Component":"Liberty","Version":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
06 June 2016

