IBM Support

XCFINIT=YES defined as start option but displayed value is N/A

Question & Answer


I have a VTAM in which XCFINIT=YES is coded in the ATCSTR00 member of VTAMLST, yet when I display the VTAMOPTS, the display shows XCFINIT=N/A. What would cause it to be displayed as N/A?


Sysplex XCF connections are required for VTAM XCF support. For VTAM to dynamically define its VTAM-to-VTAM connections in a sysplex, the MVS system programmer first must establish an XCF environment and provide a value for the MVS symbol &SYSCLONE during MVS initialization.

If this has not been done, XCF facilities are not available and VTAM cannot use XCF. As a result, the VTAMOPTS display will show XCFINIT=N/A.

See IBM publication z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex to be sure that you have your Sysplex XCF connections defined.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSSN3L","label":"z\/OS Communications Server"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Component":"","Version":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
06 June 2016

