IBM Support

What types of HiperSockets devices are there, and what are the differences among them?

Question & Answer


What types of HiperSockets devices are there, and what are the differences among them?


There are two types of HiperSockets devices:

  • DYNAMICXCF HiperSockets device or interface (TRLE IUTIQDIO and an MPC group of subchannel devices). The PORTNAME is IUTIQDxx, where xx is the IQD CHPID that VTAM uses (for example, IUTIQDFD when using IQD CHPID x'FD'). To define a DYNAMICXCF HiperSockets device, you must configure DYNAMICXCF on the IPCONFIG (IPv4) or the IPCONFIG6 (IPv6) statements.

  • A user-defined HiperSockets device or interface consisting of an MPC group of subchannel devices and one of the following definitions: (1) TRLE IUTIQDxx for INTERFACE (IPv6) and DEVICE/LINK (IPv4), (2) TRLE IUTIQ4xx for INTERFACE (IPv4). The PORTNAME is not applicable for these TRLEs. For a user-defined HiperSockets device, you must configure and start a HiperSockets (MPCIPA) DEVICE and LINK (IPv4) or INTERFACE (IPv4 or IPv6).

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSSN3L","label":"z\/OS Communications Server"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Component":"","Version":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
15 September 2017

