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Protect access to API services with Auth0 & JWT

By Ozair Sheikh posted Fri June 16, 2017 01:38 PM

In this tutorial, you will protect access to your APIs using Auth0.com.

What is Auth0?

Auth0 is a cloud-based solution that provides integration with multiple identity providers, such as Google, Facebook, and more. Third-party Web and Mobile applications can easily provide authentication services using Auth0 without having to worry about the integration logic with the identity provider. This helps accelerate delivery of digital solutions and not require technical investment in authentication capabilities.

Duration: 20 minutes

Skill level: Intermediate


In this tutorial, you will control access to the backend service by requiring a valid JWT (JSON Web Token). For more information about JWT, see here. JWT is a JSON-based token that provides a series of claims that are cryptographically verifyable. The base claim is a subject-audience pair which asserts the token for a particular user.

In our scenario, the API definition requires a valid JWT token generated from a trusted identity provider - auth0.com.

The following instructions provide guidance on how to setup an auth0 account to issue JWT tokens. Its not a comprehensive step-by-step guide, so it is recommended you check out their docs.


If your unfamiliar with running the API Connect Developer toolkit, you can follow the instructions here.


Auth0 Setup

  1. Login to auth0 and create an auth0 account.

  2. Click the APIs link from the nav bar and create a new API, called Weather and identifier with <yourid>.apiconnect.com. Click Create to complete the API definition.

  3. In the Quick Start section make a note of the jwsURI (example below):
     secret: jwks.expressJwtSecret({
    jwksUri: "https://ozairs.auth0.com/.well-known/jwks.json"

  4. In the Scopes section create new scopes called read and write and add a description.

  5. In the Non Interactive Clients section, expand the Weather Client and select the previously created scopes and click Update. Click Continue to accept the warning message.

  6. In the Test section, copy and paste the curl command in a command prompt (if curl is unavailable, use alternatives).
     $ curl --request POST \
    > --url https://ozairs.auth0.com/oauth/token \
    > --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    > --data '{"client_id":"<client_id>","client_secret":"<client_secret>","audience":"https://ozairs.apiconnect.com/","grant_type":"client_credentials"}'
    {"access_token":"<token>","expires_in":86400,"scope":"write read","token_type":"Bearer"}

    In a real-world use case, a web / mobile application will issue this request to obtain an access token.

Lets switch back to API Connect and add API assembly policies to validate the Auth0 token. This requires several steps:

  • Invoke: Obtain the JWK file used to validate the Auth0 generated JWT token

  • GatewayScript: Save the JWK into a variable

  • Validate JWT: validate the JWT token using the JWK variable

  • Gatewascript: return the JWT claims for test validation

API Connect Setup

  1. Using the command prompt, create a directory for your project and login to the API designer.
     mkdir apic-workspace
    cd apic-workspace
    apic edit

  2. In the API designer, click the APIs tab (if not selected), click the Add (+) button and select Import API from a file or URL.

  3. Click Import from URL … and enter https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ozairs/apiconnect/master/jwt/weather-provider-api_1.0.0.yaml. Click Import to finish the task.

  4. Open the Weather API. In the Design tab, select Paths and click the + button to add a new Path named /weather to the existing Weather API. Leave the default GET operation. Click Save once complete.

  5. Click the Assemble tab and select the existing operation-switch policy. Add a new case for the get /weather.

  6. For the get /weather case, add the following policies. You need to drag the assembly policies into the for the get /weather row.

    • Add a Invoke action, named get-jwk-key with the following (key is cached for 900 seconds (ie performance) but it should align with the key lifecycle of the provider):

    •  Add a GatewayScript policy to extract the JSON Web Key (JWK) from the previous Invoke policy and save it as a context variable
      var rsa256Key = apim.getvariable('rsa256-key');
      apim.setvariable('jwk-key', JSON.stringify(rsa256Key.body.keys[0]));

    • Add a Validate JWT policy with the following:

      • JWT: request.headers.authorization

      • Output Claims: decoded.claims

      • Issuer Claim: .*.auth0.com\/

      • Audience Claim: .*.apiconnect.com

      • Verify Crypto JWK variable name: jwk-key

                Note: You can create a stronger regular expression in the issuer and audience claims field for enhanced security if you want to control access from between specific users and providers.

    • Add a GatewayScript policy to return the decoded claims
      apim.setvariable('message.body', apim.getvariable('decoded.claims'));


      Notice that the get /weather does not have a backend Invoke policy although it would in a real-world scenario. We are simply returning the decoded claims to verify the JWT token was successfully validated.

Testing the end-to-end scenario

  1. Test the JWT policy to make sure it successfully validates the Auth0 token. A real-world (mobile) application will use two endpoints:

  • Auth0: obtain the JWT token against the Auth0 authorization server directly (ie no API Connect involvement).
    curl --request POST \
    > --url https://ozairs.auth0.com/oauth/token \
    > --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    > --data '{"client_id":"<client_id>","client_secret":"<client_secret>","audience":"https://ozairs.apiconnect.com/","grant_type":"client_credentials"}'

  • API Connect: validate the JWT token from Auth0

    • Enter the following curl command, replacing the with the previous access_token value into the Authorization header. -H "X-IBM-Client-Id: default" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -k


    • The response will contain the decoded JWT
      "iss": "https://ozairs.auth0.com/",
      "sub": "gHXm6ss79Jm866TYdyMCtPyyZ25iFpWq@clients",
      "aud": "https://ozairs.apiconnect.com/",
      "exp": 1494354567,
      "iat": 1494268167,
      "scope": "write read"

For more information about JWT, you can read here

Summary of the JWT security actions:

  • jwt-validate: validate the identity assertion claims from a jwt token

  • jwt-generate (not used in tutorial): generate jwt token with identity assertion claims

In this tutorial, you used a JWT validate policy to verify the JSON Web signature (JWT) of a JWT token that was generated from Auth0 (external identity provider).




Thu August 10, 2017 01:08 PM

It will be fixed in the next fixpack

Wed August 09, 2017 08:00 PM

We have a similar problem it appears to be a bug in APIC. If you add a value in the wrong field and then delete it, the Yaml is left with an empty field and validation then fails. If you delete any line with an empty string validation will then work

Wed July 19, 2017 11:07 PM

I found that in my yaml file there the property jwe-jwk: ‘’

Wed July 19, 2017 11:06 PM

Good stuff Ozair, thanks for publishing this.
I found a little problem though. After configuring the jwt-validate policy I received the erroror:
“{”message”: “Error occurred during search operation.“}”
I found that in my yaml file there the property
Probably I added the entry in the policy editor a value in the “Decript crypt JWK variable name” and then deleted. In the source the property is kept with null value. Removing the property from the source solve the problem.