API reference
Protocol Documentation
Table of Contents
An empty request that gets the API version
Returns a list of all versions of the API that the transfer binary supports.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
supportedVersions | string | repeated |
Supported versions of the API
Information about the Aspera transfer binary
Field | Type | Label | Description |
asperaBinary | string | |
Name of IBM Aspera binary (ascp)
asperaVersion | string | |
Version number of the IBM Aspera binary
operatingSystem | string | |
User's operating system
error | Error | |
Error that is returned
Assets for the transfer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
destination_root_id | string | |
File ID of the destination root directory. Required if using bearer token authorization for the
destination node.
source_root_id | string | |
File ID of the source root directory
destination_root | string | |
Destination root directory
source_root | string | |
Source root directory
paths | Path | repeated |
Array of paths
When a transfer fails, a simple strategy to retry the transfer until it completes
Field | Type | Label | Description |
maxCount | int64 | |
Maximum number of times to retry the transfer
retryInterval | int64 | |
Interval to wait before retrying the transfer
Information about data packets
Field | Type | Label | Description |
contents | bytes | |
Byte array sent in streaming request and returned in response (both send and receive)
Compression object containing a string. Compresses file data inline.
Allowable values: none, zlib, lz4. (Default: lz4). If set to zlib, the compression hint can be used to set the
compression level.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
method | string | |
The method for compressing file data. Allowable values: none, zlib, lz4. (Default: lz4).
If set to zlib, the compression hint can be used to set the compression level.
hint | int32 | |
Compress file data to the specified level when the compression method is set to an option
that accepts compression level settings (currently only zlib). A lower value results in less,
but faster, data compression (0 = no compression). A higher value results in greater, slower
Valid values are "-1" to "9", where "-1" is "balanced". (Default:
Error message in response
Field | Type | Label | Description |
code | int32 | |
Error code
description | string | |
Description of error
When a transfer fails, the exponential strategy for waiting and retrying. The wait time grows exponentially
with each retry attempt.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
maxAttempts | int64 | |
Maximum number of times to wait and retry before failing the transfer
multiplier | int64 | |
The exponential multiplier for the wait time. If < 1, default is 2.
initialDelay | int64 | |
Length of the initial wait time before retrying the transfer.
maxDelay | int64 | |
Maximum duration of wait time before retrying the transfer. If <= zero, no maximum is enforced.
Access parameters for the Proxy that coordinates communications between the remote server and the (local)
Field | Type | Label | Description |
url | string | |
URL of proxy server
username | string | |
Username for the proxy user
password | string | |
Password for the proxy user
Returned information about the transfer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fileId | string | |
File ID
path | string | |
Path for the file transfer
startTimeUsec | int64 | |
Transfer start time, in microseconds
elapsedUsec | int64 | |
Total time elapsed during the transfer, in microseconds
status | string | |
Status of the transfer
errorCode | int64 | |
Error code
errorDescription | string | |
Description of the error
size | int64 | |
Transfer size (MB)
fileType | string | |
Type of file that was transferred
fileChecksumType | string | |
Hash of the file checksum.
Allowable values: sha-512,sha-384,sha-256,sha1,md5.
(Default: none)
checksum | string | |
Hash from fileChecksumType
startByte | int64 | |
Offset where file is written
bytesWritten | int64 | |
Total bytes written at the destination
bytesContiguous | int64 | |
From startByte, how many contiguous bytes have been written
sessionId | string | |
Unique ID that FASP assigns to a transfer session
faspFileArgIndex | int64 | |
Command line argument index that specified this file (if argument was a directory,
many files can have the same FaspFileArgIndex). In persistent mode, the argument is
constantly increasing.
Policies related to transfer assets
Field | Type | Label | Description |
create_dir | bool | |
Create a directory at the transfer destination
delete_before_transfer | bool | |
Before transfer, delete files that exist at the destination but not at the source.
The source and destination arguments must be directories that have matching names.
Objects on the destination that have the same name but different type or size as
objects on the source are not deleted.
exclude_newer_than | string | |
Exclude files (but not directories) that are newer than a specific time from the transfer,
based on when the file was last modified. Express in ISO 8601 format (for example,
2006-01-02T15:04:05Z) or as number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
exclude_older_than | string | |
Exclude files (but not directories) that are older than a specific time from the transfer,
based on when the file was last modified. Express in ISO 8601 format (for example,
2006-01-02T15:04:05Z) or as number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
move_after_transfer | string | |
Move source files under path the path after transfer success.
overwrite | string | |
Overwrite files at the destination with source files of the same name based on the policy:
- always – Always overwrite the file.
- never – Never overwrite the file. If the destination contains partial files that are older
or the same as the source files and resume is enabled, the partial files resume transfer.
Partial files with checksums or sizes that differ from the source files are not overwritten.
- diff – Overwrite the file if it is different from the source, depending on the compare method
(default is size). If the destination is object storage, diff has the same effect as always.
If resume is not enabled, partial files are overwritten if they are different from the source,
otherwise they are skipped. If resume is enabled, only partial files with different sizes or
checksums from the source are overwritten; otherwise, files resume.
- diff+older – Overwrite the file if it is older and different from the source, depending on
the compare method (default is size). If resume is not enabled, partial files are overwritten
if they are older and different from the source, otherwise they are skipped. If resume is enabled,
only partial files that are different and older than the source are overwritten, otherwise they
are resumed.
- older – Overwrite the file if its timestamp is older than the source timestamp.
If you set an overwrite policy of diff or diff+older, difference is determined by the value set
for resume_policy:
"none" - the source and destination files are always considered different and the destination
file is always overwritten
"attributes" - the source and destination files are compared based on file attributes
"sparse_checksum" - the source and destination files are compared based on sparse checksums,
(currently file size)
"full_checksum" - the source and destination files are compared based on full checksums
precalculate_job_size | bool | |
Restore the access time of the source file to the last access prior to transfer,
which the source considers an access.
preserve_access_time | bool | |
Preserve the time the file was last accessed (read or write access) on the source.
preserve_creation_time | bool | |
Preserve timestamp for when a file was created
preserve_modification_time | bool | |
Preserve the time the object was last modified (write access) on the source.
preserve_times | bool | |
remove_after_transfer | bool | |
Remove files at the source of the transfer after the transfer completes successfully
remove_empty_directories | bool | |
Remove empty subdirectories at the source of the transfer
resume_policy | string | |
If a transfer is interrupted or fails to finish, this policy directs the transfer
to resume without retransferring the files. Allowable values:
"none" – always re-transfer the entire file
"attributes" – compare file attributes and resume if they match, and re-transfer if they do not
"sparse_checksum" – compare file attributes and the sparse file checksums; resume if they match,
re-transfer if they do not
"full_checksum" – compare file attributes and the full file checksums; resume if they match, and
if they do not.
symlink_policy | string | |
The method for processing symbolic links. Allowable values:
follow, copy, copy+force, skip
checksum_type | string | |
Enable checksum reporting for transferred files by specifying the hash to use. Allowable values:
sha-512, sha-384, sha-256, sha1, md5. (Default: none)
src_base64 | string | |
The folder name below which the directory structure is preserved (base64 encoded)
inclusion_patterns | PathPattern | repeated |
Include files or directories from the transfer based on the specified pattern. Rules are
applied in the order in which they are encountered, from left to right. The following
symbols can be used in the pattern:
- * (asterisk) represents zero or more characters in a string, for example *.tmp matches
.tmp and abcde.tmp.
- ? (question mark) represents a single character, for example t?p matches tmp but not temp.
exclusion_patterns | PathPattern | repeated |
Exclude files or directories from the transfer based on the specified pattern. Rules are
applied in the order in which they are encountered, from left to right. The following
symbols can be used in the pattern:
- * (asterisk) represents zero or more characters in a string, for example *.tmp matches
.tmp and abcde.tmp.
- ? (question mark) represents a single character, for example t?p matches tmp but not temp.
apply_local_docroot | bool | |
Apply the local docroot. This option is used to avoid entering object storage access
credentials in the command line. Allowable values: true, false.
preserve_acls | string | |
Preserve access control lists. Allowable values: none, native, metafile.
preserve_remote_acls | string | |
Preserve remote access control lists. Allowable values: none, native, metafile
preserve_file_owner_uid | bool | |
Preserve the user ID for a file owner
preserve_file_owner_gid | bool | |
Preserve the group ID for a file owner
preserve_extended_attrs | string | |
Preserve the extended attributes. Allowable values: none, native, metafile
preserve_remote_extended_attrs | string | |
Preserve the extended attributes for a remote server. Allowable values: none, native, metafile
preserve_source_access_time | bool | |
Preserve the time logged for when the source file was accessed
remove_empty_source_dir | bool | |
Remove empty source subdirectories and remove the source directory itself, if empty
save_before_overwrite | bool | |
Rename the file instead of overwriting it. Allowable values: true, false.
skip_duplicate_check | bool | |
Don't check for duplicate files at the destination. Allowable values: true, false.
skip_special_files | bool | |
All assets other than files, directories and symbolic links are considered special.
A transfer will fail if the user attempts to transfer special assets.
If true, ascp skips special assets and proceeds with the transfer of all other assets.
Configuration for HTTP fallback
Field | Type | Label | Description |
port | int64 | |
Port used for HTTP fallback server
proxy | string | |
Proxy address and port. (Default: 80)
Configuration for IBM Cloud Object Storage
Field | Type | Label | Description |
api_key | string | |
API key for IBM Cloud Object Storage
bucket | string | |
CRN (cloud resource name) for the bucket
ibm_service_instance_id | string | |
Instance ID for the IBM service
ibm_service_endpoint | string | |
Endpoint for the IBM service
Elements of transfer initiation
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ssh | SSHSpec | |
Parameters relating to SSH
icos | ICOSSpec | |
Parameters relating to IBM Cloud Object Storage
node_api | NodeAPISpec | |
Configuration parameters for a call to the Node API
Data about TransferD service instance
Field | Type | Label | Description |
managementPort | int64 | |
Port TransferD uses to run management messages
asperaInfo | AsperaInfo | repeated |
Information about the running IBM Aspera binaries
licenseInfo | LicenseInfo | |
Information about the IBM Aspera license
promiscuousMode | bool | |
Enable promiscuous mode for the transfer. If the transfer is started in promiscuous mode,
sessions are discoverable by any user. Allowable values: true, false.
Requests data about TransferD service instance.
Returns data about TransferD service instance.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
Version of the API
info | InstanceInfo | |
Data about TransferD service instance
error | Error | |
Error that is returned
Information about the Aspera license
Field | Type | Label | Description |
maxRate | string | |
Maximum transfer rate enabled by the IBM Aspera license
accountNumber | string | |
IBM Aspera customer account number
licenseNumber | string | |
IBM Aspera license number
license | string | |
Contents of the IBM Aspera license
Request to mark an existing persistent transfer as done
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer, returned from the initial transfer request.
Used for subsequent requests.
Response from the request to mark an existing persistent transfer as done
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
Version of the API
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer, returned from the initial transfer request.
Used for subsequent requests.
error | Error | |
Error that is returned
MultiSession settings object. Specifies the configuration on how
the transfer fileset will be split so it is transferred in parallel
using multiple transfer processes.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
enable | bool | |
Enable using multisession mode.
number_of_sessions | int32 | |
Number of parallel processes to transfer the fileset.
hosts | MultiSessionHosts | |
Settings for using different remote hosts for the multiple
transfer processes.
file_splitting | MultiSessionFileSplitting | |
Settings for the minimum size required to partition a single file
across multiple transfer processes.
bandwidth | MultiSessionBandwidth | |
Settings for the minimum rate required to enable multisession.
Settings for the minimum rate required to enable multisession.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
bandwidth_kpbs_threshold | int32 | |
Minimum bandwidth rate in kilobits per second (kbps) required
to enable multisession.
Settings for the minimum size required to partition a single file
across multiple transfer processes.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
size_kb_threshold | int32 | |
Minimum size in kilobytes (kb) required to partition a single file
across multiple transfer processes.
Settings for using different remote hosts for the multiple
transfer processes.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
usedns | bool | |
Use the different IP addresses associated with the specified
remoteHost hostname as destinations for the different transfer processes.
hosts | string | repeated |
If not using DNS, specify a list of hosts to use for the different
transfer processes.
Values for the Node API header. The Node API is used to initiate and manage Aspera transfers.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | |
Node API header key
value | string | |
Value for Node API header key
Information for the call to the Node API, which initiates and manages Aspera transfers.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
url | string | |
URL for call to Node API
headers | NodeAPIHeaderSpec | repeated |
Headers for the call to the Node API
Information about the transfer path
Field | Type | Label | Description |
source | string | |
Source path for the transfer
destination | string | |
Destination path for the transfer
Data pattern used in the transfer path
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pattern | string | |
Pattern, such as regex, used in the transfer path
Request for a peer check
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferSpec | string | |
Configuration parameters for the request
Data returned from a peer check request
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
Version of the API
reachable | bool | |
Peer node is reachable. Allowable values: true, false
error | Error | |
Error data returned from the peer check
Data returned a transfer query
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
Version of the API
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer returned from the initial transfer request, used for subsequent requests
title | string | |
User-assigned title for the transfer
transferType | TransferType | |
Transfer type
status | TransferStatus | |
Transfer status
error | Error | |
Error message
transferInfo | TransferInfo | |
Returned information about the transfer
message | string | |
Message string
Request to read data from the stream
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer returned from the initial transfer request.
Used for subsequent requests.
Data returned after reading data from the stream
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
Version of the API
path | string | |
Path where the stream is read
pathSize | int64 | |
Size of the file or path that is received as a stream
chunk | Chunk | |
Byte array sent in the stream
error | Error | |
Error that is returned
Components for filtering specific events. A filter without any item is considered as a pass through filter
(accepting all the events).
Field | Type | Label | Description |
operator | RegistrationFilterOperator | |
Operator applying to this filter set used to compose registration filter items.
eventType | TransferEvent | repeated |
All transfer event types
transferId | string | repeated |
All UUIDs included in the transfer
cookie | string | repeated |
All cookies included in the transfer
tags64 | string | repeated |
All tags included in the transfer (base64 encoded)
direction | string | |
Direction of transfer, either send (upload) or receive (download)
cookieRegex | string | |
Regex match for cookie included in the transfer
transferType | TransferType | repeated |
A set of Transfer types
transferStatus | TransferStatus | repeated |
A set of Transfer status types
Request to filter specific events
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferId | string | repeated |
UUID for the transfer, returned from the initial transfer request.
Used for subsequent requests.
filters | RegistrationFilter | repeated |
The RegistrationFilter objects, specifying which filter to apply on events to monitor.
The goal of filter is to narrow down the events monitoring to a subset of events.
Filter items can be composed using an operator (AND/OR, default is OR).
When multiple filters are registered, they are processed as composed with an OR operator.
RetryStrategy configures the components of the retry strategy.
SSH Configuration
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ssh_port | int64 | |
TCP port that initiates the transfer session.
remote_password | string | |
Password for the remote user
remote_user | string | |
Remote user's username
ssh_private_key | string | |
Private key for SSH
ssh_private_key_path | string | |
Path to the private key for SSH
ssh_private_key_passphrase | string | |
Private key passphrase for SSH
ssh_fingerprint | string | |
Public SSH key of the server
Security configuration
Field | Type | Label | Description |
content_protection_password | string | |
Password for encryption of transferred assets
remote_access_key | string | |
Access key for a remote server
token | string | |
Token to authenticate the transfer.
For details see the 'Authentication and authorization' section in the IBM Aspera High Speed
Transfer Server
admin guide.
cipher | string | |
Cipher algorithm to apply during the transfer. Valid values are:
aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, aes-128-cfb, aes-192-cfb, aes-256-cfb,
aes-128-gcm, aes-192-gcm, aes-256-gcm, none
Returned information about a transfer session. There can be multiple transfer sessions for each transfer.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | |
Unique ID that TransferD assigns to a transfer session
sessionId | string | |
Unique ID that FASP assigns to a transfer session
user | string | |
Remote transfer user
clientUser | string | |
Username of the user running the transfer client on the local machine
clientNodeId | string | |
ID of the node for the transfer client on the local machine
clientClusterId | string | |
If applicable, the ID of the cluster for high availability on the local machine
serverNodeId | string | |
Node ID of the remote transfer server
serverClusterId | string | |
If applicable, the ID of the cluster for high availability on the remote transfer server
clientIPAddress | string | |
IP address for the client on the local machine
serverIPAddress | string | |
IP address for the remote transfer server
port | int64 | |
UDP port used by FASP
tcpPort | int64 | |
TCP port used to initiate a connection with TransferD
status | string | |
Status of the transfer session. Allowable values: initiated, passed, skipped, failed.
startTimeUsec | int64 | |
Transfer start time, in microseconds
endTimeUsec | int64 | |
Transfer end time, in microseconds
elapsedUsec | int64 | |
Total time elapsed during the transfer, in microseconds
bytesTransferred | int64 | |
Total bytes transferred
bytesWritten | int64 | |
Total bytes written at the destination
bytesLost | int64 | |
Total bytes lost during the transfer
filesCompleted | int64 | |
Total number of files that transferred successfully to the destination
filesFailed | int64 | |
Total number of files that failed to transfer successfully
filesSkipped | int64 | |
Total number of files skipped during the transfer session
directoriesCompleted | int64 | |
Total number of directories that transferred completely
targetRateKbps | int64 | |
Target transfer rate (Kbps)
minRateKbps | int64 | |
Minimum transfer rate (Kbps)
calcRateKbps | int64 | |
Calculated transfer rate (Kbps)
networkDelayUsec | int64 | |
Network delay (microseconds)
errorCode | int64 | |
Error code returned for a failed transfer of files or folders
errorDesc | string | |
Description of the error for a failed transfer of files or folders
manifestFilePath | string | |
Path to the manifest file
sourcePathsScanExcluded | int64 | |
Number of source paths excluded from the filesystem scan
sourcePathsScanIrregular | int64 | |
Number of irregular source paths found in the filesystem scan
sourcePathsScanFailed | int64 | |
Number of source paths in a failed filesystem scan
sourcePathsScanAttempted | int64 | |
Number of source paths in a filesystem scan that was initiated
transfersSkipped | int64 | |
Total number of transfers skipped, because, for example, the file already exists
at the destination.
transfersPassed | int64 | |
Total number of successful transfers
transfersFailed | int64 | |
Total number of transfers with errors
transfersAttempted | int64 | |
Total number of transfers initiated
cookie | string | |
All cookies included in the transfer
direction | string | |
Direction of transfer, either send (upload) or receive (download)
fileChecksumType | string | |
Hash of the file checksum.
Allowable values: HASH: sha-512,sha-384,sha-256,sha1,md5.
(Default: none)
operation | string | |
Indicates a transfer or just a bandwidth measurement. Allowable values: Transfer, BWMeasurement
tags | string | |
Metatags in JSON format specified by --tags
argTransfersAttempted | int64 | |
Total number of transfers initiated, where the data is provided as an argument
argTransfersPassed | int64 | |
Number of successful transfers, where the data is provided as an argument
argTransfersSkipped | int64 | |
Number of skipped transfers, where the data is provided as an argument
argTransfersFailed | int64 | |
Number of failed transfers, where the data is provided as an argument
encryption | string | |
If yes, use encryption.
adaptive | string | |
Transfer policy. Allowable values: Adaptive, Fixed, High
remote | string | |
If Yes, this process is acting as the server. If No, this process is acting as the client.
destination | string | |
Destination path for files being transferred
priority | int64 | |
Transfer priority (1: high | 2: regular)
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer, returned from the initial transfer request. Used for subsequent requests.
rateCap | int64 | |
Maximum rate for transfers, in kilobits per second
minRateCap | int64 | |
Minimum target rate for transfers, in kilobits per second
policyCap | string | |
Transfer policy that is allowed
rateLock | string | |
If yes, lock the target transfer rate to the default value set on the server. If no,
changing the target rate is allowed.
minRateLock | string | |
If no, changing the minimum transfer rate--set on the server--is allowed.
policyLock | string | |
If no, changing the transfer policy (priority)--set on the server--is allowed.
serverHostname | string | |
Hostname for the transfer server
remoteAddress | string | |
IP address for the remote transfer server
cipher | string | |
Cipher for content protection
resumePolicy | string | |
Policy for resuming a transfer after the transfer is paused
createPolicy | int64 | |
Policy for creating the transfer
manifestPolicy | string | |
Policy for application settings in TransferD
precalc | string | |
Policy for precalculating job size
overwritePolicy | string | |
Overwrite files at the destination with source files of the same name based on the policy:
- always – Always overwrite the file.
- never – Never overwrite the file. If the destination contains partial files that are older
or the same as the source files and resume is enabled, the partial files resume transfer.
Partial files with checksums or sizes that differ from the source files are not overwritten.
- diff – Overwrite the file if it is different from the source, depending on the compare method
(default is size). If the destination is object storage, diff has the same effect as always.
If resume is not enabled, partial files are overwritten if they are different from the source,
otherwise they are skipped. If resume is enabled, only partial files with different sizes or
checksums from the source are overwritten; otherwise, files resume.
- diff+older – Overwrite the file if it is older and different from the source, depending on
the compare method (default is size). If resume is not enabled, partial files are overwritten
if they are older and different from the source, otherwise they are skipped. If resume is enabled,
only partial files that are different and older than the source are overwritten, otherwise they
are resumed.
- older – Overwrite the file if its timestamp is older than the source timestamp.
If you set an overwrite policy of diff or diff+older, difference is determined by the value set
for resume_policy:
"none" - the source and destination files are always considered different and the destination
file is always overwritten
"attributes" - the source and destination files are compared based on file attributes
"sparse_checksum" - the source and destination files are compared based on sparse checksums,
(currently file size)
"full_checksum" - the source and destination files are compared based on full checksums
rttAutocorrect | string | |
Round trip time autocorrection
timePolicy | int64 | |
Total time allowed for the transfer
manifestInprogress | string | |
Suffix of the manifest file while the transfer is running
filesEncrypt | string | |
Specifies that the files are encrypted with user supplied password. Allowable values: yes, no.
filesDecrypt | string | |
Specifies that the files are decrypted with user supplied password. Allowable values: yes, no.
datagramSize | int64 | |
Sets the datagram size to be used by the sender
vLinkVersion | int64 | |
Version of the aggregate bandwidth caps applied to transfer sessions
peerVLinkVersion | int64 | |
At the peer IP address, version of the aggregate bandwidth caps applied to transfer sessions
vLinkLocalEnabled | string | |
Vlkink is enabled on the local machine
vLinkRemoteEnabled | string | |
Vlkink is enabled on the remote transfer server
readBlockSize | int64 | |
The size of data to be read from the disk on the sender
writeBlockSize | int64 | |
The size of data to be written to the disk on the receiver
clusterNumNodes | int64 | |
Number of sessions used in a multi-session transfer
clusterNodeId | int64 | |
The session index number in a multi-session transfer
moveRange | string | |
Size of data to be transferred when a range transfer is specified
keepalive | string | |
The session is running in persistent session mode
testLogin | string | |
The session is attempting a login, only, without data transfer
useProxy | string | |
Use the forward proxy for Aspera file transfers
rateControlAlgorithm | string | |
Algorithm to adapt the transmission rate in response to varying conditions
pmtu | int64 | |
Path maximum transmission unit (MTU) value
preTransferFiles | int64 | |
Total number of files discovered at the source that can potentially be transferred
preTransferBytes | int64 | |
Total number of bytes discovered at the source that can potentially be transferred
preTransferDirs | int64 | |
Total number of directories discovered at the source that can potentially be transferred
preTransferSpecial | int64 | |
Total number of special files discovered at the source that can potentially be transferred
sourcePathsScanCompleted | int64 | |
Total number of source paths that are scanned
argScansAttempted | int64 | |
Source arguments handled
argScansCompleted | int64 | |
Source arguments completed
argFaspFileArgIndex | int64 | |
Command line argument index that specified this file (if argument was a directory,
many files can have the same FaspFileArgIndex). In persistent mode, the argument
is constantly increasing.
dirCreatesAttempted | int64 | |
Total number of attempts to create a destination directory.
dirCreatesFailed | int64 | |
Total number of attempts to create a destination directory that failed.
dirCreatesPassed | int64 | |
Total number of attempts to create a directory where the destination directory already
existed or was successfully created
dirScansCompleted | int64 | |
Total source directory scans completed
Data returned from the transfer request
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
Version of the API
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer returned from the initial transfer request, used for subsequent requests
title | string | |
User-assigned title for the transfer
transferType | TransferType | |
Type of transfer
status | TransferStatus | |
Transfer status
error | Error | |
Error message for the transfer, if any
Query to find out if the transfer is stopped
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer returned from the initial transfer request, used for subsequent requests
stopped | bool | |
Transfer is stopped.
error | Error | |
Error that is returned
Request to stop the transfer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferId | string | repeated |
UUID for the transfer, returned from the initial transfer request.
Used for subsequent requests.
delay | int64 | |
Length of time to delay before stopping the transfer
Data returned from the request to stop the transfer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
API version
stopResult | StopInfo | repeated |
Data about the results of the StopTransferRequest
Configuration for streaming
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chunk_size | int64 | |
Size of the byte array sent in streaming request and returned in response for
both send and receive.
local_memory | int64 | |
Amount of memory available on the local machine
remote_memory | int64 | |
Amount of memory available on the remote server
sparse_file | bool | |
Do not use sparse_file
compression | Compression | |
Compression object containing a string. Compress file data inline.
Allowable values: none, zlib, lz4. (Default: lz4). If set to zlib, the compression hint
can be used to set the compression level.
Tracking parameters
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cookie | string | |
All cookies included in the transfer
tags | string | |
All tags included in the transfer
tags64 | string | |
All tags included in the transfer (base64 encoded)
Configuration elements for the transfer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
retry | RetryStrategy | |
Strategy that is defined for retrying the transfer. Optional. No retry if not set.
license | string | |
Contents of a custom license file. Optional. License in the binary path is used if not set.
localLog | string | |
Local log directory path. Optional.
remoteLog | string | |
Remote log directory path. Optional.
logLevel | sfixed32 | |
Level of detail to return in the log. Allowable values: 0 (minimal log data),
1, 2 (most detailed log data).
asperaConf | string | |
Path to the aspera.conf configuration file. Optional. Configuration file in the etc path is used if not
Returned information about the transfer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
averageRateKbps | int64 | |
Average rate for the transfer, in kilobits per second
bytesLost | int64 | |
Total bytes lost during the transfer
bytesTransferred | int64 | |
Total bytes transferred
bytesWritten | int64 | |
Total bytes written at the destination
directoriesCompleted | int64 | |
Total directories that transferred completely
startTimeUsec | int64 | |
Transfer start time, in microseconds
elapsedUsec | int64 | |
Total time elapsed during the transfer, in microseconds
endTimeUsec | int64 | |
Transfer end time, in microseconds
errorCode | string | |
Error code for the transfer
errorDescription | string | |
Description of error
filesCompleted | int64 | |
Number of files that arrived successfully at the destination.
targetRateKbps | int64 | |
Target transfer rate (in Kbps)
minRateKbps | int64 | |
Minimum transfer rate (in Kbps)
argTransfersAttempted | int64 | |
Total number of transfers initiated, where the data is provided as an argument.
For example, for an attempted transfer of a folder that contains multiple files, the
value is 1.
argTransfersPassed | int64 | |
Total number of successful transfers, where the data is provided as an argument.
For example, for a given transferred folder that contains multiple files, the
value is 1.
argTransfersSkipped | int64 | |
Total number of skipped transfers, where the data is provided as an argument.
For example, for a skipped transfer of a folder that contains multiple files, the
value is 1.
argTransfersFailed | int64 | |
Number of failed transfers
fileChecksumType | string | |
Hash of the file checksum.
Allowable values: HASH: sha-512,sha-384,sha-256,sha1,md5.
(Default: none)
cookie | string | |
Application-specified string
direction | string | |
Direction of transfer, either send (upload) or receive (download)
operation | string | |
Indicates a transfer or a bandwidth measurement. Allowable values: Transfer, BWMeasurement
tags64 | string | |
All tags to include in the transfer (base64 encoded)
Request for information about the transfer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer returned from the initial transfer request. Used for subsequent requests.
Request to modify the transfer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer, returned from the initial transfer request.
Used for subsequent requests
transferSpec | string | |
Defines the configuration parameters for the transfer
Data returned from the request to modify the transfer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
API version
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer returned from the initial transfer request.
Used for subsequent requests.
status | TransferStatus | |
Status of the transfer
error | Error | |
Error message, if any
Information about transfer paths
Field | Type | Label | Description |
source | string | |
Source path for files being transferred
destination | string | |
Destination path for files being transferred
range | TransferRange | |
Defines the range for a stream
Request for information about the transfer path
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer, returned from the initial transfer request.
Used for subsequent requests.
transferPath | TransferPath | repeated |
Information about transfer paths, both source and destination
Data returned from the request for information about the transfer path
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
Version of the API
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer returned from the initial transfer request, used for subsequent requests
error | Error | |
Error that is returned
Transfer range in a file or stream request
Field | Type | Label | Description |
offset | int64 | |
offset for the stream
length | int64 | |
length of the stream
Parameters to submit to the transfer server
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferType | TransferType | |
Specify the type of transfer. Allowable values: UNKNOWN_TRANSFER_TYPE, FILE_REGULAR,
config | TransferConfig | |
Policies and permissions for the transfer
transferSpec | string | |
Full configuration details for the transfer
Data returned from the transfer request
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
Version of the API
transferId | string | |
UID for the transfer returned from the initial transfer request. Used for subsequent requests
title | string | |
User-assigned title of the transfer
transferType | TransferType | |
Transfer type
status | TransferStatus | |
Status of the transfer
error | Error | |
Error message for the transer
transferEvent | TransferEvent | |
Transfer event type
transferInfo | TransferInfo | |
Returned information about the transfer
message | string | |
Message string
sessionInfo | SessionTransferInformation | |
Information about a transfer session. There can be more than one transfer sessions
for a given transfer.
fileInfo | FileTransferInformation | |
Information about the file transfer
The transfer specification (transferSpec) contains all components needed to initiate, monitor, and control
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cipher | string | |
Cipher for content protection
content_protection | string | |
Enable client-side content protection (encryption-at-rest).
For uploads, set to encrypt to transfer encrypted files and store them on the server with the extension
To download and decrypt encrypted files, set to decrypt.
content_protection_password must be specified if this option is set.
Values are : encrypt and decrypt
content_protection_password | string | |
Password for encryption of transferred assets
cookie | string | |
Application-specified string
create_dir | bool | |
Create a directory at the transfer destination
delete_before_transfer | bool | |
Before transfer, delete files that exist at the destination but not at the source.
The source and destination arguments must be directories that have matching names.
Objects on the destination that have the same name but different type or size as
objects on the source are not deleted.
delete_source | bool | |
Delete the source directory after the assets are transferred
destination_root_id | string | |
Root ID at the destination
direction | string | |
Directon of transfer, whether send (upload) or receive (download)
exclude_newer_than | string | |
Exclude files (but not directories) that are newer than a specific time from the transfer,
based on when the file was last modified. Express in ISO 8601 format (for example,
2006-01-02T15:04:05Z) or as number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
exclude_older_than | string | |
Exclude files (but not directories) that are older than a specific time from the transfer,
based on when the file was last modified. Express in ISO 8601 format (for example,
2006-01-02T15:04:05Z) or as number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
fasp_port | int64 | |
Port used for the transfer. (Default: 33001)
http_fallback | bool | |
Parameters to configure HTTP fallback
http_fallback_port | int64 | |
Port used for HTTP fallback server
https_fallback_port | int64 | |
Port used for HTTPS fallback
move_after_transfer | string | |
Move source files under path the path after transfer success.
multi_session | int64 | |
Split files across multiple ascp sessions to enable faster transfers.
Allowable values: true, false.
multi_session_threshold | int64 | |
Split files across multiple ascp sessions if their size is greater than or equal
to the specified value. Default: 0 (no files are split).
overwrite | string | |
Overwrite files at the destination with source files of the same name based on the policy:
- always – Always overwrite the file.
- never – Never overwrite the file. If the destination contains partial files that are older
or the same as the source files and resume is enabled, the partial files resume transfer.
Partial files with checksums or sizes that differ from the source files are not overwritten.
- diff – Overwrite the file if it is different from the source, depending on the compare method
(default is size). If the destination is object storage, diff has the same effect as always.
If resume is not enabled, partial files are overwritten if they are different from the source,
otherwise they are skipped. If resume is enabled, only partial files with different sizes or
checksums from the source are overwritten; otherwise, files resume.
- diff+older – Overwrite the file if it is older and different from the source, depending on
the compare method (default is size). If resume is not enabled, partial files are overwritten
if they are older and different from the source, otherwise they are skipped. If resume is enabled,
only partial files that are different and older than the source are overwritten, otherwise they
are resumed.
- older – Overwrite the file if its timestamp is older than the source timestamp.
If you set an overwrite policy of diff or diff+older, difference is determined by the value set
for resume_policy:
"none" - the source and destination files are always considered different and the destination
file is always overwritten
"attributes" - the source and destination files are compared based on file attributes
"sparse_checksum" - the source and destination files are compared based on sparse checksums,
(currently file size)
"full_checksum" - the source and destination files are compared based on full checksums
paths | Path | repeated |
Path for the transfer
precalculate_job_size | bool | |
Restore the access time of the source file to the last access prior to transfer,
which the source considers an access.
preserve_access_time | bool | |
Preserve the time the file was last accessed (read or write access) on the source.
preserve_creation_time | bool | |
Preserve timestamp for when a file is created
preserve_modification_time | bool | |
Preserve the time the object was last modified (write access) on the source.
preserve_times | bool | |
Preserve file timestamps
rate_policy | string | |
The transfer rate policy to use when sharing bandwidth. Allowable values:
high - When sharing bandwidth, transfer at twice the rate of a transfer using a fair policy.
fair - (Default) Share bandwidth equally with other traffic.
low - Use only unused bandwidth.
fixed - Transfer at the target rate, regardless of the actual network capacity.
Do not share bandwidth. Aspera recommends that you do not use this setting except under special
circumstances, otherwise the destination storage can be damaged.
remote_access_key | string | |
Access key for the remote server
remote_host | string | |
Remote server used for the transfer
remote_password | string | |
Password for the remote user
remote_user | string | |
Remote user's username
remove_after_transfer | bool | |
Remove files at the source of the transfer after the transfer completes successfully
remove_empty_directories | bool | |
Remove empty subdirectories at the source of the transfer
resume_policy | string | |
If a transfer is interrupted or fails to finish, this policy directs the transfer
to resume without retransferring the files. Allowable values:
"none" – always re-transfer the entire file
"attributes" – compare file attributes and resume if they match, and re-transfer if they do not
"sparse_checksum" – compare file attributes and the sparse file checksums; resume if they match,
re-transfer if they do not
"full_checksum" – compare file attributes and the full file checksums; resume if they match, and
if they do not.
retry_duration | int64 | |
Total time committed to retrying the transfer
source_root_id | string | |
The file ID of the source root directory. Required if using bearer token authorization for the source
ssh_port | int64 | |
TCP port that initiates the transfer session
ssh_private_key | string | |
Private key for SSH
ssh_private_key_path | string | |
Path to private key for SSH
ssh_private_key_passphrase | string | |
Private key passphrase for SSH
symlink_policy | string | |
The method for processing symbolic links.
Allowable values: follow, copy, copy+force, skip
tags | string | |
Tags to include in the transfer
tags64 | string | |
Tags to include in the transfer (base64 encoded)
target_rate_cap_kbps | int64 | |
Maximum target rate for incoming transfers, in kilobits per second.
target_rate_kbps | int64 | |
Ideal transfer rate, in kilobits per second. There is no default value.
title | string | |
Title of the transfer
token | string | |
Token to authenticate the transfer.
For details see the 'Authentication and authorization' section in the IBM Aspera High Speed
Transfer Server
admin guide.
use_ascp4 | bool | |
Deprecated. Do not use use_ascp4
fasp_proxy | FASPProxy | |
Proxy for communications between the remote server and the (local) client.
destination_root | string | |
Destination root directory
source_root | string | |
Source root directory
min_rate_cap_kbps | int64 | |
The highest minimum rate that an incoming transfer can request, in kilobits per second.
Client minimum rate requests that exceed the minimum rate cap are ignored. The default
value of unlimited applies no cap to the minimum rate. (Default: 0)
lock_rate_policy | bool | |
If true, lock the rate policy to the default value
Allowable values: true, false.
lock_target_rate_kbps | bool | |
If true, lock the target transfer rate to the default value set for target_rate_kbps.
If false, users can adjust the transfer rate up to the value set for target_rate_cap_kbps.
lock_min_rate_kbps | bool | |
If true, lock the minimum transfer rate to the value set for min_rate_kbps.
If false, users can adjust the transfer rate up to the value set for target_rate_cap_kbps.
src_base64 | string | |
The folder name below which the directory structure is preserved (base64 encoded)
icos | ICOSSpec | |
Configuration parameters for IBM Cloud Object Storage (ICOS)
node_api | NodeAPISpec | |
Configuration parameters for a call to the Node API
apply_local_docroot | bool | |
Apply the local docroot. This option is used to avoid entering object storage
access credentials in the command line. Allowable values: true, false.
preserve_acls | string | |
Preserve access control lists. Allowable values: none, native, metafile.
preserve_remote_acls | string | |
Preserve remote access control lists. Allowable values: none, native, metafile
preserve_file_owner_uid | bool | |
Preserve the user ID for a file owner
preserve_file_owner_gid | bool | |
Preserve the group ID for a file owner
preserve_extended_attrs | string | |
Preserve the extended attributes. Allowable values: none, native, metafile
preserve_remote_extended_attrs | string | |
Preserve the extended attributes for a remote server. Allowable values: none,
native, metafile
preserve_source_access_time | bool | |
Preserve the time logged for when the source file was accessed
remove_empty_source_dir | bool | |
Remove empty source subdirectories and remove the source directory itself, if empty
save_before_overwrite | bool | |
Rename the file instead of overwriting it. Allowable values: true, false.
skip_duplicate_check | bool | |
Don't check for duplicate files at the destination. Allowable values: true, false.
skip_special_files | bool | |
All assets other than files, directories and symbolic links are considered special.
A transfer will fail if the user attempts to transfer special assets.
If true, ascp skips special assets and proceeds with the transfer of all other assets.
Fields with deprecated option
The transfer specification (transferSpec) contains all components needed to initiate, monitor, and control
TransferSpecv2 allows you to construct a custom transfer specification. You only need to configure the modules
(such as
Security or Transport) and parameters that are essential for your transfers.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
session_initiation | Initiation | |
Parameters that define transfer initiation, including SSH
security | Security | |
Parameters that define security for the transfer
tracking | Tracking | |
Parameters that define asset tracking for the transfer, such as tags
file_system | Filesystem | |
Parameters that define the handling of files and directories being transferred
transport | Transport | |
Parameters that define rate policy and transfer rate
assets | Assets | |
Parameters that define source and location for the transfer
direction | string | |
Direction of the transfer, whether send (upload) or receive (download)
remote_host | string | |
Name of the remote server
title | string | |
Name assigned to the transfer
Values related to the transfer, including transfer policies
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fasp_port | int64 | |
Port used for the transfer. (Default: 33001)
http_fallback | HTTPFallback | |
Fields for configuring HTTP fallback in the transferSpec v2
fasp_proxy | FASPProxy | |
Fields for configuring the FASP proxy in the transferSpec v2. The FASP proxy coordinates
communications between the remote server and the (local) client.
streaming | Streaming | |
Fields for configuring streaming in the transferSpec v2.
multi_session | MultiSession | |
Split files across multiple ascp sessions to enable faster transfers.
Allowable values: true, false.
multi_session_threshold | int64 | |
Split files across multiple ascp sessions if their size is greater than or equal to the
specified value. Default: 0 (no files are split).
rate_policy | string | |
The transfer rate policy to use when sharing bandwidth. Allowable values:
high - When sharing bandwidth, transfer at twice the rate of a transfer using a fair policy.
fair - (Default) Share bandwidth equally with other traffic.
low - Use only unused bandwidth.
fixed - Transfer at the target rate, regardless of the actual network capacity.
Do not share bandwidth. Aspera recommends that you do not use this setting except under special
circumstances, otherwise the destination storage can be damaged.
lock_rate_policy | bool | |
If true, lock the rate policy to the default value
Allowable values: true, false.
target_rate_cap_kbps | int64 | |
Maximum target rate for incoming transfers, in kilobits per second.
target_rate_kbps | int64 | |
Ideal transfer rate, in kilobits per second. There is no default value.
min_rate_cap_kbps | int64 | |
The highest minimum rate that an incoming transfer can request, in kilobits per second.
Client minimum rate requests that exceed the minimum rate cap are ignored. The default
value of unlimited applies no cap to the minimum rate. (Default: unlimited)
min_rate_kbps | int64 | |
Minimum transfer rate (in Kbps)
lock_target_rate_kbps | bool | |
If true, lock the target transfer rate to the default value set for target_rate_kbps.
If false, users can adjust the transfer rate up to the value set for target_rate_cap_kbps.
lock_min_rate_kbps | bool | |
If true, lock the minimum transfer rate to the value set for min_rate_kbps.
If false, users can adjust the transfer rate up to the value set for target_rate_cap_kbps.
Fields with deprecated option
ValidationRequest submits the transfer specification (transferSpec) for validation and specifies a transfer
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferSpec | string | |
The transfer specification to be validated
transferType | TransferType | |
The type of transfer
ValidationResponse contains the API version, the version of the transfer spec validator which is used, a
boolean to indicate
if the validation is successful, and an error message, if any.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
Version of the API
valid | bool | |
Transfer specification is valid. Allowable values: true, false.
validatorVersion | string | |
Version of transfer specification validator
unknownField | string | repeated |
Unkown field in the transfer specification
error | Error | |
Error that is returned
Response to the request to add data packets to the stream
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer returned from the initial transfer request.
Used for subsequentrequests
path | string | |
Path where stream is written
range | TransferRange | |
Range for the stream
chunk | Chunk | |
Byte array sent in the stream
Response to the request to write data to the stream
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
API version
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer returned from the initial transfer request.
Used for subsequent requests.
error | Error | |
Error message, if any
Request to write data to the stream
Field | Type | Label | Description |
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer returned from the initial transfer request.
Used for subsequent requests.
path | string | |
Path to the stream
size | int64 | |
Stream size
chunk | Chunk | |
Byte array sent in the stream
Response to the request to write data to the stream
Field | Type | Label | Description |
apiVersion | string | |
Version of the API
transferId | string | |
UUID for the transfer returned from the initial transfer request, used for subsequent requests
error | Error | |
Error that is returned
Used to compose registration filter items.
Name | Number | Description |
OR | 0 |
Logical OR operator that returns the boolean value TRUE if either or both operands is TRUE and returns
FALSE otherwise
AND | 1 |
Logical AND operator that returns a value of TRUE if both its operands are TRUE, and FALSE otherwise
Transfer events
Name | Number | Description |
Transfer event can't be identified
Transfer session started
Transfer session stopped
Transfer session failed with an error
File transfer started
File transfer stopped
File transfer failed with an error
ARG_STOP | 7 |
ARG_STOP is a management message returned by FASP to indicate the completion
of a transfer path provided as an argument to the transfer binary.
Transfer in progress
Transfer is connecting
Transfer rate modified during the transfer
FILE_SKIP | 11 |
One or more files skipped during the transfer session
Bandwidth measurement assessed during the transfer
User canceled session
TransferStatus statuses a transfer can hold.
Name | Number | Description |
Transfer status is unknown
QUEUED | 1 |
File or folder is queued for transfer
Transfer is running at the time of the query
Transfer successfully completed
FAILED | 4 |
Transfer failed
Transfer was canceled by the user
PAUSED | 6 |
Transfer was paused by the user
A file transferred without its parent folder
TransferType describes the possible transfer types.
When a user requests a new transfer, she can specify the type of transfer in the transferSpec.
Name | Number | Description |
Unknown transfer type
File transfer using the paths you provide in the transferSpec
File transfer where you provide the source and destination paths while the transfer is in progress
Download a file as a stream at the destination. You must specify the size of the source file when
starting the streaming of every file.
Note: For this type of transfer, the supported values for the overwrite option are "always" or
"never" in the transferSpec: any value other than "always" and "never" is
defaulted to "never".
Resume option is not supported: any value for this option is defaulted to "none".
Upload a stream as a file at the destination. You must specify the total number of bytes to upload when
starting the streaming of every file.
Note: For this type of transfer, the supported values for the overwrite option are "always" or
"never" in the transferSpec: any value other than "always" and "never" is
defaulted to "never".
Resume option is not supported: any value for this option is defaulted to "none".
Stream to file upload in a persistent session--meaning that you don't specify the stream size at
the beginning of the transfer--using the URI specified in the transferSpec.
Async transfer session using configuration section of the IBM Aspera Sync API
Transfer service definition. This service enables users to start, manage and monitor transfers.
You can also get information about the transfer service settings and confirm the availability of
communication between the engine and a remote transfer server.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
Validate | ValidationRequest | ValidationResponse |
Validate accepts a transfer spec string and a transfer type, and returns the validation result.
StartTransfer | TransferRequest | StartTransferResponse |
StartTransfer starts a new transfer and returns the transfer information required to manage and monitor
the transfer.
This request doesn't close until the transfer is terminated or the request is canceled by the
StartTransferWithMonitor | TransferRequest | TransferResponse stream |
StartTransferWithMonitor starts a new transfer and streams back the transfer events.
The request doesn't return immediately, as it continues streaming responses to the client until the
transfer is terminated or the request is canceled
by the client.
QueryTransfer | TransferInfoRequest | QueryTransferResponse |
QueryTransfer requests transfer data.
ModifyTransfer | TransferModificationRequest | TransferModificationResponse |
ModifyTransfer modifies an existing transfer.
AddTransferPaths | TransferPathRequest | TransferPathResponse |
AddTransferPaths can be used with persistent transfer to add paths to an existing transfer.
(type TransferType.FILE_PERSISTENT).
LockPersistentTransfer | LockPersistentTransferRequest | LockPersistentTransferResponse |
LockPersistentTransfer, used with persistent transfer, marks an existing persistent transfer as done.
Once the method is called, any subsequent call to AddTransferPaths results in an error.
(type TransferType.FILE_PERSISTENT).
StopTransfer | StopTransferRequest | StopTransferResponse |
StopTransfer stops a transfer.
MonitorTransfers | RegistrationRequest | TransferResponse stream |
MonitorTransfers monitors transfers matching the defined filters and streams back the transfer events.
The request doesn't return an immediate response because MonitorTransfers continues streaming
responses to the client until the client cancels the request.
GetAPIVersion | APIVersionRequest | APIVersionResponse |
GetAPIVersion gets the API version.
GetInfo | InstanceInfoRequest | InstanceInfoResponse |
GetInfo gets data about TransferD service instance.
IsPeerReachable | PeerCheckRequest | PeerCheckResponse |
IsPeerReachable confirms whether or not the peer endpoint is reachable.
WriteStreamChunk | WriteStreamChunkRequest stream | WriteStreamChunkResponse |
WriteStreamChunk writes chunks of streaming data for the specified in-progress
transfer of type PERSISTENT_STREAM_UPLOAD, at a specific offset.
When StopTransfer is called on the transfer, subsequent calls to this function will fail.
WriteStream | WriteStreamRequest stream | WriteStreamResponse |
WriteStream writes chunks of streaming data for the specified in-progress transfer of type
Once StopTransfer is called on the transfer, subsequent calls to this function will fail.
ReadStream | ReadStreamRequest | ReadStreamResponse stream |
ReadStream reads chunks of streaming data from a specified in-progress transfer of type
Once StopTransfer is called on this transfer, subsequent calls to this function will fail.
Scalar Value Types
.proto Type | Notes | C++ | Java | Python | Go | C# | PHP | Ruby |
double | | double | double | float | float64 | double | float | Float |
float | | float | float | float | float32 | float | float | Float |
int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to
have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to
have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum |
uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long | uint32 | uint | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long | uint64 | ulong | integer/string | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than
regular int32s. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than
regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum |
fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int | uint32 | uint | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long | uint64 | ulong | integer/string | Bignum |
sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) |
sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum |
bool | | bool | boolean | boolean | bool | bool | boolean | TrueClass/FalseClass |
string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode | string | string | string | String (UTF-8) |
bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str | []byte | ByteString | string | String (ASCII-8BIT) |