IBM Aspera Transfer SDK

By IBM Aspera

The IBM Aspera Transfer SDK allows you to initiate, monitor and control file transfers and streams.

Configuration file

The transfer configuration file that is located in the config directory of the installation directory is pre-populated with default values to configure the TransferD daemon. The following table provides guidance for customizing these values.

NOTE: For more information about the installation directory, see Contents of the installation directory.

Explanation of parameters in asperatransferd.json:

Top-level parameterSecond-level parameterThird-level parameterDetailsData typeDefault valueExample
log_directoryLocal log directory path of the TransferD daemon.string
log_levelLog level of detail of the TransferD daemon. Allowable values: trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal, panic0-4. value (trace) contains the basic data, such as files transferred and transfer rate.stringtracecase Trace: l.SetLevel(logrus.TraceLevel) case Debug: l.SetLevel(logrus.DebugLevel) case information: l.SetLevel(logrus.InfoLevel) case Warning: l.SetLevel(logrus.WarnLevel) case Error: l.SetLevel(logrus.ErrorLevel) case Fatal: l.SetLevel(logrus.FatalLevel) case Panic: l.SetLevel(logrus.PanicLevel)
addressAddress of the local server that serves the TransferD daemon. string127.0.0.1127.0.0.1
portLocal TCP port to which the TransferD daemon is bound.interger5500255002

Top-level parameterSecond-level parameterThird-level parameterDetailsData typeDefault valueExample
api_time_settingsthe time-related settings for the local server connection.object
max_conn_idleThe maximum time the server connection can be idle (in seconds).integer120
max_conn_ageThe time until the server connection's lifetime reaches its maximum age (in seconds).integerinfinity
max_conn_age_graceAfter the server connection's lifetime reaches its maximum age, the length of the grace period before the connection is closed (in seconds).10
timeAfter a duration of this time (in seconds), if the server doesn't see any activity from the client, it pings the client to see whether the transport is still alive.1
timeoutAfter pinging the server for a keepalive check, the TransferD daemon waits for the specified timeout duration (in seconds). If the client shows no activity after this duration, the TransferD daemon closes the connection.3

Top-level parameterSecond-level parameterThird-level parameterDetailsData typeDefault valueExample
enabledTLS is enabledbooleanfalse
certificateCertificate file for TLSstring cert.cert
keyKey for TLSstring key

Top-level parameterSecond-level parameterThird-level parameterDetailsData typeDefault valueExample
max_concurrentMaximum number of concurrent transfer jobsinteger10

Top-level parameterSecond-level parameterThird-level parameterDetailsData typeDefault valueExample
fasp_managementSettings for FASP managementobject
promiscuous_mode_enabledIf you enable this setting, the TransferD daemon can monitor transfers that it does not start itself. These external transfers must use the same fasp_runtime paths as the TransferD daemon.booleanfalse
portPort used for FASP management communications. TransferD selects a random port if none is providedinteger23456
addressTransferD uses the local host address ( for FASP management communications unless you provide a different address. Use this configuration setting only when the host has multiple interfaces and you expect to use an address other than for FASP management communications.string23456

Top-level parameterSecond-level parameterThird-level parameterDetailsData typeDefault valueExample
fasp_runtimeFASP runtime settingsobject
use_embeddedUse the FASP binary files embedded in the TransferD daemon. These binary files are part of the redistributable package (see "Overview").booleantrue
logFASP log settingsobject
dirPath to FASP logstring
levelLevel of detail to return in the log. Allowable values: 0 (basic data, such as files transferred and transfer rate), 1-2 (increasingly detailed levels of debug messages).integer0
user_definedIf you choose not to set use_embedded to true, these parameters define your custom FASP binary files, configuration, and license paths.object
binPath to the FASP binary files. All the FASP binary files must be located in the same directory.stringpath_to_ascp and_ascp4
etcPath to FASP config and license files.stringpath-to_license_and_aspera.conf
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