IBM Aspera Transfer SDK

By IBM Aspera

The IBM Aspera Transfer SDK allows you to initiate, monitor and control file transfers and streams.

Use Java to upload a stream as a stream

This page breaks down the sample code into individual steps so you can evaluate how to customize the code for your application.

To run the full Java® sample code for uploading a file, go to the /api folder in the installation directory.

For more information on using gRPC to help develop your language-specific client, see Quick start guide for Java

Create a connection to the TransferD daemon.

    // Java example
    TransferServiceGrpc.TransferServiceBlockingStub client = TransferServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(
        ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 55002)

Create the transfer specification

The transfer specification (transferSpec) defines the parameters for the transfer. In this type of transfer, you must specify the URI. The parameter "direction":"send" indicates that the transfer is an upload.

For more information, see transferSpec Definition.

NOTE: For a complete description of the parameters that are in the transferSpec, see: transferd.html,, or transfer.proto that are in the /api directory.

// java example
        String transferSpec = "{"
        + "  \"session_initiation\": {"
        + "    \"ssh\": {"
        + "      \"ssh_port\": 22,"
        + "      \"remote_user\": \"root\","
        + "      \"remote_password\": \"aspera\""
        + "    }"
        + "  },"
        + "  \"direction\": \"send\","
        + "  \"remote_host\": \"\","
        + "  \"assets\": {"
        + "    \"paths\": ["
        + "      {"
        + "        \"source\": \"tcp://\","
        + "        \"destination\": \"tcp://\""
        + "      }"
        + "    ]"
        + "  }"
        + "}";

Start the transfer

This example shows a transfer definition with these elements:

Transfer definition elements
transferType Identifies the transfer type, which in this example is URL_STREAM_TO_STREAM.
config Optional values for configuring the transfer.
transferSpec The transfer specification created in the previous step.
// java example
        Iterator transferResponseIterator = client.startTransferWithMonitor(

Monitor the transfer until it finishes

// java example
        transferResponseIterator.forEachRemaining(pResponse ->
        System.out.println("transfer response " + pResponse)
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