The documentation for product version () you are trying to access is NOT yet available. This page displays the documentation for the current available version (1.0).
This document outlines the procedure for establishing a B2B connection through our standard APIs for the purpose of creating IBM Support Cases.
Find an Account by Asset information
The requested Case was found
Transaction timed out
Client not authorized to use this service
Case not found
Unexpected error
1curl --request GET \
2 --url '' \
3 --header 'Authorization: REPLACE_THIS_VALUE' \
4 --header 'accept: application/json'
Example response
2 "id": "50123456789",
3 "caseNumber": "1108207200108544",
4 "sourceSystemId": "1362059090460672",
5 "subject": "vuhateuw",
6 "description": "Ozimaano kagap mozhira wetmo rohafesi si cotirkow we wep hu lid wi.",
7 "severity": -40464869,
8 "systemDown": false,
9 "country": "Syrian Arab Republic",
10 "liableOrganization": "vinasifarhatw",
11 "liableCategory": "dopbihaguz",
12 "serviceType": "BreakFix",
13 "createDateTime": "2022-11-23",
14 "createTimezone": "12:01",
15 "timezoneId": "09:24",
16 "customerProblemNumber": "8466905539018752",
17 "customerProblemNumberAlternate": "7129034624335872",
18 "customerProblemNumberAlternate2": "3199562281910272",
19 "reqEntitlementPrecheck": true,
20 "customer": {
21 "companyName": "Timothy Medina",
22 "ibmCustomerNumber": "3274033936203776",
23 "accountNumber": "4824233828601578",
24 "contractIdentifier": "7964527173828608",
25 "id": "1211438553104384",
26 "taxInformation": [
27 {
28 "taxName": "Birdie Garrett",
29 "taxValue": "30.28"
30 }
31 ]
32 },
33 "caseContact": {
34 "id": "8383035248476160",
35 "givenName": "Jean Garza",
36 "familyName": "Richard Bowers",
37 "phone": "(827) 653-3495",
38 "phoneExt": "(974) 633-3603",
39 "otherPhone": "(413) 356-1001",
40 "otherPhoneExt": "(662) 508-7788",
41 "mobilePhone": "(483) 201-4616",
42 "email": "",
43 "ibmId": "3199481199722496",
44 "ibmUniqueId": "1393534445813760",
45 "canCommunicateInEnglish": false,
46 "preferredLanguage": "kw"
47 },
48 "asset": {
49 "ibmMachineType": "kamalfirhed",
50 "ibmMachineModel": "acgu",
51 "oemProductId": "1260724772929536",
52 "productId": "2166199060267008",
53 "productName": "Ann Cunningham",
54 "productCode": "jepuj",
55 "softwareProductId": "7707618000764928",
56 "softwareProductCode": "pucusnacude",
57 "softwareProductSourceId": "2025939445743616",
58 "softwarePID": "8007774015324160",
59 "serial": "wighuvcaminel",
60 "description": "Ik sus sol mevo mel wo nok cadojni ta neb riugakis sejebzik geg azfuzsid aredalug zi riaz usomjef.",
61 "os": "dezatughupsigivg",
62 "version": "2.3.4",
63 "customerAssetId": "1451965630382080",
64 "address": {
65 "street": "Guhcu Pass",
66 "street2": "Siac Junction",
67 "city": "Iboaminu",
68 "state": "NV",
69 "postalCode": "P3V 4S8",
70 "countryCode": "CA"
71 },
72 "id": "6691878623772672",
73 "referenceNumber": "5347879449264128",
74 "referenceNumberType": "5057242392952832",
75 "referenceNumberOwner": "2881442560344064"
76 },
77 "caseNotes": [
78 {
79 "caseNumber": "6414628395417600",
80 "title": "iwkufokcoj",
81 "body": "hauvk",
82 "isPrivate": false,
83 "needsAttention": false,
84 "createDate": "2002-03-15",
85 "createUser": "Lela",
86 "sourceSystemProblemNumber": "2632465191534592"
87 }
88 ],
89 "entitlement": {
90 "slc": "zewzekz",
91 "timezone": "03:51",
92 "coverage": "28",
93 "serviceDeliveryMethod": "huwecworvupa",
94 "serviceLevelExtensions": [
95 {
96 "name": "Barbara Hud...