Call for Code Education Innovation Case Competition

November 11, 2021 1:00 am MDT

Bringing students together to design solutions that make education a right, not a privilege.

The challenge: Design an innovative technology solution that addresses a problem aligned to achieving accessible and equitable quality education.

Equal and equitable access to quality education is one of the greatest challenges facing global society. Socio-economic status, geography, race, gender, and disability all play a role in how and when we learn, and the resulting opportunities education opens. Critically, the COVID-19 pandemic has compounded long-existing challenges and wiped out 20 years of progress.*

Technology can be key to addressing these issues. Regardless of your course of study, by participating in this case competition you can devise innovative solutions that address the challenge of making quality education a right for all – not a privilege. As current students, the world needs your expertise, empathy, and unique perspective to design technological solutions to a global problem.

The competition theme is, “A future of education that ensures accessible and equitable quality education and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all,” inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 ( Your solution should address one of the diverse challenges aligned to this theme and demonstrate how technology can help communities in need around the world. While solution submissions do not need to include working code, you will need to describe the technologies required and how those technologies fit into the solution.

Design solutions that… 

  • Broaden educational opportunity for women, who continue to face steep structural and societal barriers
  • Relieve the burden of educational inequality that falls disproportionally on under-served communities
  • Democratize access to quality learning for all, in an increasingly digital world

This competition is aimed at teams of eligible university students. In order to participate, you must meet all eligibility criteria. See for the basic rules.

Help build the future of education. Win $20,000 USD. Get mentored by entrepreneurs and technologists.

Learn more and register

Call for Code
Commit to the Cause. Push for Change. Answer the Call. 

* Source:

International Business Machines, Online, Online