
What is the problem?

Water is the natural resource that is most threatened by climate change and is a prerequisite for life on earth. According to the World Health Organization, 2.2 billion people around the world do not have safely managed drinking water services, 4.2 billion people do not have safely managed sanitation services, and 3 billion people lack basic handwashing facilities. These services are critical in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases. Even in areas that have these services, there are vast inequalities in the accessibility, availability, and quality of the services. 

How can technology solve the problem?

From intelligent solutions for small farmers to recycling showers, technology can make a significant impact on the availability of water and its consumption.

Special thanks to our partner, Intuit, who contributed to the starter kits and are providing design thinking tools.

The idea

To encourage optimal water choices by consumers and local governments and to incentivize water sustainability, we propose devising and implementing an API for water data collection and dissemination. With an API, you could have a centralized way to:

  • Query geolocations of sustainable water sources
  • Simplify coordination and funding for water construction projects
  • Explore educational tools to support water sustainability and clean water access
  • Enable transparent water usage, cleanliness results, and site-to-site comparison
  • Access plain language case studies and legislation

We are initially focusing on the development of a starter kit that will enable these channels to be developed to their fullest potential.

Explore all the solution ideas

The architecture


Kit producers

Our creators of this starter kit along with their bios: