Using a customized web analyzer program to control CICS Explorer access levels

You can use a customized web analyzer program to control which versions of CICS Explorer® are allowed to connect to CICS® TS. The acceptable versions of CICS Explorer could, for example, be those which had been tested and confirmed as being safe to use on the production CICS regions.

The supplied web analyzer program is DFHWBAAX, which is merely a skeleton to provide a starting point for writing a customized program to perform useful functions. The analyzer program was changed as discussed below. The updated code can be seen on GitHub.

The user-agent string is checked to determine whether an attempt to connect to CICS is coming from an authorized version of CICS Explorer. This string is a character string added to the HTTP header by CICS Explorer. The string uniquely identifies the version of CICS Explorer which added the string.

How it works

Firstly, some working storage is required for the EXEC CICS calls which are to be used.

*    Working storage needed for EXEC CICS call                        *
RCODE    DS    F
RCODE2   DS    F
         DFHEIEND ,

The majority of the code was added to the User-replaceable code section of the sample module. The code is shown below:

*    User-replaceable code below                                      *
         SPACE 5
         EXEC CICS WEB READ HTTPHEADER('User-Agent')                   X
                 RESP(RCODE) RESP2(RCODE2)
         L     R5,RCODE
         C     R5,DFHRESP(NORMAL)
         BNE   MAINLINE                No user agent, so ignore
* If we get here, there is a user agent string to test
         LA    R5,USERAGNT
         CLC   0(L'SUPEXPL1,R5),SUPEXPL1 First supported string
         BE    MAINLINE                Yes, so carry on
         CLC   0(L'SUPEXPL2,R5),SUPEXPL2 Second supported string
         BE    MAINLINE                Yes, so carry on
         B     RETURNIN                Not supported, so invalid
         MVC   WBRA_ALIAS_TRANID,=C'CWBA'       Set default alias
         MVC   WBRA_SERVER_PROGRAM,=C'DFHWBERX' Set target program
         MVC   WBRA_CONVERTER_PROGRAM,=CL8' '   Set null converter
         B     RETURNOK             Exit normally
         SPACE 5
*    User-replaceable code above                                      *

An EXEC CICS WEB READ HTTPHEADER command is used to extract the user-agent string from the HTTP header which has been received. The return code is tested to determine whether the command worked successfully. If it did not, then there is no user-agent string in the header, so the request did not come from Explorer. Control passes to the label MAINLINE and processing continues normally.

If the EXEC CICS WEB READ does succeed, it means that there is a user-agent string which can be tested. The tests are performed using commands such as:
which compares a user-agent string, addressed by register 5, against a test string, SUPEXPL1. The string SUPEXPL1 is defined later in DFHWBAAX in a section headed Supported explorer levels as shown below. Note that SUPEXPL1 is 85 characters long and requires more than one line to declare.

*    Supported Explorer levels                                        *
SUPEXPL1 DC    CL85'IBM_CICS_Explorer/ IBM_zOS_Explor*
               er/ JRE/1.8.0_74'
SUPEXPL2 DC    CL37'IBM_CICS_Explorer/'

The code associated with this article tests for two supported Explorer strings: SUPEXPL1 and SUPEXPL2. If neither match the input that has been received from Explorer, an invalid response is returned and the connection will fail. If a match is found, control passes to the MAINLINE label and the connection succeeds.

Easy, extensible, and available on in-service releases

It is clear that this technique can be easily extended to test for any number of Explorer levels. All that is required is to add a new test for a new character string and to define a new character string to test against. It is also easy to have a small number of different web analyzer programs testing for different character strings in the user-agent string. It might be useful, for example, to have one analyzer for test CICS regions and a different analyzer for production regions. Which analyzer is to be used can be specified on a TCPIPSERVICE definition, so this is straightforward to tailor to requirements.

Another advantage of using this simple technique is that it is available on all in-service releases of CICS TS. Please note that this analyzer runs for every CMCI request and may affect the performance time of requests. If you are noticing a performance slow-down, remove your custom web analyzer and check that this is not the cause before raising a case with IBM®.