An ISO standard lightweight messaging protocol for small sensors and mobile devices, optimized for high-latency or unreliable networks.
09 December 2021
This article provides a technical introduction to the MQTT protocol. You learn what is MQTT, what makes MQTT suitable for IoT applications, and how to get started with developing apps that use MQTT.
21 April 2021
Learn about the pros and cons of both APIs and messaging when developing robust, engaging apps.
02 April 2021
Learn how to connect sensors and actuators to an Arduino and NodeMCU device, how to read the values from these sensors and actuators, and how to use a Raspberry Pi as a gateway and an MQTT server. Also, learn how to use technologies like Bluetooth, wifi, MQTT (and optionally LoRaWan) for communication between all the devices.
03 January 2019
Every day, hundreds of millions of devices and applications send and receive data and commands across IoT, using MQTT.