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What’s New in IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z (IBM ADDI) V5.1.0.6


IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z (IBM ADDI) V5.1.0.6 has just been released as the very first Continuous Delivery update in 2020. Read this blog to learn what's new in this March release of IBM ADDI.

As an analytical platform for enterprise or legacy applications, IBM ADDI uses deterministic algorithms and cognitive technologies to analyze mainframe applications to quickly discover and understand interdependencies and impacts of changes. IBM ADDI bundles the following two applications:

  • IBM Application Discovery for IBM Z (IBM AD)
  • IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z (IBM ADI)

The following new features and enhancements are available in IBM ADDI V5.1.0.6:

  • Supported interdependency calls across projects, showing dynamic calls, static calls, and all the calls to IBM utilities such as CBLTDLI, AIBTDLI, or BMPTDLI.
  • Supported program calls across different projects within the Eclipse plug-in of IBM AD Analyze Client.
  • Supported the configuration of the project resolutions that are displayed in the Cross Applications Callgraph by configuring the parameters in the conf.yaml file. For more information, see step 1.10 in topic Configuring IBM AD Cross Applications Service.
  • Supported receiving parameter values from PARM attributes when a JCL call to an API program is converted into calls to other programs. For more information, see case 2 in topic JCL Call Extensibility Examples.
  • Supported exporting the paths for programs and program dependencies that are used to generate AD graphs. For more information, see the Export Paths section in topic Graphical Analysis Overview.
  • Supported manual resolution mechanism for macro ATTACH, macro ATTACHX, and statements LINK, LINKX, XCTL, and XCTLX.
  • Supported automatic folder creation for both zOS Cobol and Cobol IDMS when you create a project and select both the Relational and IDMS database types.
  • Supported adding multiple projects into one Db2 database.
  • Enhanced the impact analysis report by supporting string literals. For more information, see topic Impact Analysis Report.
  • Enhanced support for selecting files and folders in IBM AD Build.
    • When you add files to a folder of a project, in the Add Files dialog box, the path of the last files that are added to the project is remembered and opened. If you close a project, when it is reopened, the path is reset to project_path\file_type_folder.
    • When you open the Browse for Folder dialog box, the current selection is the last path that is displayed in the Search Paths Order dialog box.
  • Enhanced support for the Add Files function and the Synchronize Members function in IBM AD Build. When adding files or mainframe members, if the limit of 40000 files or members is reached, extra virtual folders are created at the project's level. For more information, see topics Adding Files to Project Folders and Synchronize Mainframe Members.
  • Enhanced support for exploring the BMS map list. In the Explore projects tab, to differentiate maps with the same name in different map sets, map names are suffixed with map set names.
  • Enhanced support for the Audit service.
    • Added date time pickers for easier start date and end date selection.
    • Added table pagination to enhance the performance when dealing with large sets of data.
    • Fixed some issues to ensure support for downloading data as a CSV file in Internet Explorer.
  • Added a new component IBM ADDI Extension. For more information, see IBM ADDI Extension User Guide.
  • Removed IBM AD Web Services User Guide, and integrated the installation and configuration instructions of IBM AD Web Services into IBM AD Installation and Configuration Guide.

To download the IBM ADDI V5.1.0.6 fixpack packages, visit Fix Central.

For more information about IBM ADDI, check the following links.