Event | Webcast

Intelligent automation trends and directions

March 18, 2025 at 1:00 PM EDT

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In the dynamic landscape of Db2 for z/OS environments, the imperative of mitigating potential application impact during routine maintenance on Db2 objects cannot be overstated. However, it is equally crucial to underscore the role that routine object maintenance plays in Db2 resilience and upholding peak levels of Db2 application performance.

Database administrators are under pressure to keep Db2 secure, resilient, and running optimally with little or no downtime. Intelligent automation of DB2 maintenance allows administrators to lower the overall cost of maintaining Db2 while ensuring Db2 objects are backed up and kept organized for optimal performance.

This session will delve into best practices, demonstrate how administrators can gain visibility into Db2 utilities and real time statistics, and show a cutting-edge solution that can intelligently automate tasks to lower overall costs and keep Db2 running optimally.