
Summary, next steps, and additional resources


Brian Innes

Archived content

Archive date: 2024-06-14

This content is no longer being updated or maintained. The content is provided “as is.” Given the rapid evolution of technology, some content, steps, or illustrations may have changed.

In the 3 tutorials in this learning path, you’ve learned how to manage a Node-RED application using git, how to package a Node-RED application into a container, and how to provide runtime configuration without having the configuration embedded in the Node-RED application. These are some of the prerequisites for using Node-RED in a cloud-based production environment.

Next steps

To continue your leaning, you might want to explore continuous integration and continuous deployment -- DevOps -- technologies, such as Jenkins, Travis, and Tekton so that you can automate the build and deploy operations for your Node-RED application. You may also want to explore Kubernetes and learn how to create the deployment artifacts that are needed to run your Node-RED application in a Kubernetes cluster.