
Deploying a sample MongoDB geospatial application on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

How-to guide for deploying applications


Krishna Harsha Voora,

Mithun HR


This tutorial shows how easily we can deploy a cloud-native application on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform hosted on IBM® Power Systems™ Virtual Server. In terms of performance, throughput, and IT dependability, IBM Power Systems delivers elite-level quality for business-critical workloads. Clients can make use of the unique capabilities of IBM Power Systems to incrementally modernize their IT infrastructure and streamline their deployment of cloud native applications with continuous integration and deployment.

In this tutorial, we have used open source packages (such as MongoDB and Node.js) and deployed a sample MongoDB geospatial application on OpenShift Container Platform hosted on IBM Power Systems Virtual Server.


Ensure that the following prerequisite is fulfilled before deploying the sample cloud-native application:

A running OpenShift Container Platform 4.x cluster must be set up on an IBM Power Systems server.

Estimated time to install

To deploy this cloud-native application, it would take nearly 15 mins.

Deploying the cloud-native application

Perform the following steps to deploy the cloud-native application on OpenShift on IBM Power Systems:

  1. Clone the repository: https://github.com/ocp-power-demos/cloud_interop

    This repository contains the service and deployment configuration files that can be used as-is on the OpenShift or any Kubernetes platform.

    git clone https://github.com/ocp-power-demos/cloud_interop

    Figure 1. Cloning the repository

    Figure 1.Cloning the repository

  2. Create a new project in your OpenShift cluster.

    oc new-project ibm --description=”IBM ISDL” --display-name=”IBM”

    Figure 2. Creating a new project

    Figure 2. Creating a new project

  3. To deploy the geospatial workload, run the following commands:

      oc create -f mong-service.yaml
      oc create -f node-service.yaml
      oc create -f mong-deployment.yaml
      oc create -f node-deployment.yaml

    Figure 3. Deploying the application

    Figure 3. Deploying the application

  4. Verify that the status shows Running, indicating that the application is successfully deployed.

    oc get all

    Figure 4. Checking the application status

    Figure 4. Checking the application status

  5. To access your application outside the cluster, create a secure route.

      oc get svc
      oc create route edge --service=node
      oc describe route node

    Figure 5. Creating a route

    Figure 5. Creating a route

  6. To access your newly deployed application, open the URL provided in the previous step.

    In this example, the URL is https://node-ibm.apps.bpradipt-ocp-01a9.

    Figure 6. Initial welcome screen

    Figure 6. Initial welcome screen

  7. Perform a query to fetch data in an area within specific pin codes. Add /api/getInspectionsByZipCodeIteration/10100/10150/1 at the end of the route to fetch the results.

    In this example, to perform the query, the URL is:


    Figure 7. Accessing inspection data between pin codes

    Figure 7. Accessing inspection data between pin codes

    what you see here is output returned from MongoDB, where we queried for inspection results performed within specific areas using pin codes.


This tutorial provides insights on how to deploy a cloud-native application on OpenShift on Power Systems using command-line. In case you need to deploy this application using OpenShift web console, follow the steps outlined at: https://github.com/ocp-power-demos/cloud_interop#deploying-this-two-tier-application-via-ocp4x-webconsole
