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Summary, next steps, and additional resources for building messaging applications with IBM MQ on AWS Cloud


Richard J. Coppen


Deploying messaging-based solutions to the cloud brings cost and scaling benefits. By using IBM MQ on AWS, you can integrate cloud best practices into your applications in these ways:

  • IBM MQ allows the server infrastructure to span data center, mainframe, and cloud frameworks.
  • IBM MQ enables applications to communicate and exchange data in a reliable and scalable way, which decouples one application from another.
  • IBM MQ asynchronous messaging allows your microservices to operate with different throughputs.
  • AWS allows your microservices to be scaled individually optimizing for cost and throughput.

In this learning path, you learned the core IBM MQ messaging concepts as applied to the cloud, then you deployed a queue manager to AWS Cloud, and finally you deployed, updated, and debugged a messaging-based application that interacts with the queue manager on AWS.

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Take the quiz

Go to the IBM MQ on AWS Cloud Developer Essentials Badge quiz page, take the quiz, and pass with 80% or more and prove it!

The quiz consists of 20 questions, with a passing score of 16 correct answers (80%). You are granted 2 attempts to pass the quiz, and will then need to wait 5 days before trying again. You are allowed an unlimited number of attempts.

Beware! You’ll get hit by questions from all the tutorials that are part of this learning path, so make sure you’ve gone over everything.

Credly badge

You’ll need a Credly account and an IBM account (IBM Id) to complete the quiz and claim your badge.

For questions related to your Credly badge earner account and profile, as well as issues related to claiming your badge after receiving a notification, go to the Credly's Help Center.

For questions about the IBM Digital Badge Program, see the program's Frequently Asked Questions page.

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Next steps

We look forward to seeing your badges shared on LinkedIn, Twitter and in your email signatures. Congratulations! You're now an MQ app dev superhero!

Perhaps you're ready to deploy the IBM MQ Native HA partner solution on AWS. Maybe add additional features to the IBM MQ messaging playground sample app. Or, check out the doYouMQ? podcast, where senior experts at IBM sharing their thoughts on the vital role that MQ plays in enterprise messaging.