
Summary, next steps, and additional resources


Samaya Madhavan,

Sidra Ahmed,

Sandhya Nayak,

Dhivya Lakshminarayanan,

Mostafa Abdelaleem,

M. Tim Jones,

Casper Hansen


In this learning path, you got an overview of supervised learning. The learning path covered:

  • Overview of convolutional neural networks
  • Implementing convolutional neural networks using TensorFlow Keras
  • Impementing convolutional neural networks using Pytorch
  • Overview of recurrent neural networks
  • Implementing a recurrent neural network using TensorFlow Keras
  • Building a recurrent neural network using Pytorch

Next steps

This learning path is a continuation of the Get started with deep learning learning path. See that learning path for more topics on deep learning. You can also continue your learning and building your deep learning skills with more how-to tutorials and articles on the IBM Developer Data science page.