Learn about the projects

With a focus on law and order, the electoral process, and policy-making, these projects were designed to help combat racism and promote racial justice. We are inviting people across the globe to channel their frustrations about systemic racism in a tangible way by getting involved with these projects to make an impact in under-served and underrepresented communities.

Take a stand against racism and start contributing to the project of your choice. Explore the topics, learn about the open source projects, and use the solution starters to understand where you can make the greatest difference. Issues can be created and pull requests are made within the project GitHub repos themselves.

Police & Judicial Reform and Accountability

Police & Judicial Reform and Accountability

From community policing to sentencing and incarceration, data and technology has a role to play in the fight for racial equality.

Open Sentencing

To help public defenders better serve their clients and make a stronger case, Open Sentencing shows racial bias in data such as demographics. 

Incident Accuracy Reporting System (IARS)

This platform allows witnesses and victims to corroborate evidence or provide additional information from multiple sources against an official police report. 

Fair Change

This platform helps record and catalog evidence of potentially racially charged incidents to help enable transparency, reeducation and reform as a matter of public interest and safety.

Police & Judicial Reform and Accountability

Policy & Legislation Reform

Policy and legislation needs more inclusion from the communities it impacts. This requires better visibility into the creation process and more opportunities for feedback.

Truth Loop

This app helps communities simply understand the policies, regulations, and legislation that will impact them the most.  

Five Fifths Voter

This web app empowers minorities to exercise their right to vote and ensures their voice is heard by determining optimal voting strategies and limiting suppression issues.


Local legislation can have significant impacts on areas as far-reaching as jobs, the environment, and safety. Legit-Info helps individuals understand the legislation that shapes their lives.

Diverse Representation

Diverse Representation

Bias and misrepresentation are commonplace throughout society and business. These projects serve to address these issues and strive for representation at every level.


Bias in digital content such as news articles, blogs and even technical documentation can lead to overt or subtle racial discrimination. This application uses AI to identify bias in content using an iterative learning approach.

Access skills resources

Learn how you can get started with open source contribution, get up to speed on the latest cloud and other technologies, professional development skills, and sustainability resources with our custom learning plan, and join our Slack community to collaborate with other open source contributors around the world.

Get your organization involved

Contribution to Call for Code for Racial Justice open source projects helps teams build skills, network with other problem solvers around the world, and get engaged to support communities in need. Regardless of whether you are a corporation, university or startup, there are numerous ways your organization can get involved.

Contribute to a project

See a project with goals that align to those of your organization? We can help your teams organize around specific outcomes as they contribute to help advance the solution.

Adopt a projects

Implement a solution in your organization. You can partner with us to integrate any of the projects into your organization to drive change.

Amplify the work 

Participate in or host an awareness event or technical learning session, or share these projects through your networks to help grow this initiative and broaden the fight against systemic racism.