Project OWL creates mesh network when connectivity fails
Following a disaster, the OWL network of hotspots can be deployed quickly and cheaply, exchanging vital information about the community’s greatest needs.
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At a glance
This ad-hoc mesh network of Internet-of-Things devices is based on LoRa (Long Range radio). When infrastructure is down, it restores that one percent of communication necessary to save lives. Civilians can send short messages providing their location and needs. Local governments and responders can use the network to prioritize their response and provide critical information to the community.
Deployment location
Puerto Rico; TexasTechnologies used
- IBM Watson
- IBM IoT Platform
- Apache-2.0
- C++
- Java
- JavaScript
State of readiness
- Implement – nearing graduation


The Project Owl story
After winning the inaugural Call for Code Global Challenge in fall 2018, the Project Owl team has been running field tests in Puerto Rico, installing nearly 30 solar-powered, wireless DuckLink devices in communities and at universities. These devices can be turned on for emergency communication during a major hurricane. Today, more than 500 developers, innovators, and supporters across six continents are involved in the open source community contributing to Project Owl.
Project OWL remains focused improving its innovative, cost-effective technology and committed to building new networking solutions for the people, places, and things that need it most. Currently they are exploring new sectors where the OWL solution can make a difference, including government and private sector opportunities. The team is dedicated to educating the next generation of developers, by running a Capstone course project with Cal Poly senior computer engineering students and staying connected with university colleagues in Puerto Rico.

Get involved in open source projects now
Whether you are a developer interested in contributing to the Project Owl solution or an organization able to help with testing, there are many ways you can get get involved.
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