Red Hat® OpenShift® for Beginners : présentation & initiation

August 25, 2020 6:30 pm EEST

In this new workshop of the “Build Smart on Kubernetes World Tour” series, we offer a presentation of the Red Hat® OpenShift® platform followed by a hands-on introduction for beginners with an example of Node.js application deployment.

Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud is an extension of IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.
With Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud, developers have a fast and secure way to containerize and deploy in Kubernetes clusters.
This workshop will familiarize you with the platform, learn how to deploy applications on and with OpenShift.

1. Presentation of the platform with :
* The OpenShift web client, command-line interface (CLI), and REST APIs
* OS management
* Projects and users
* Builds and deployments
* Networking
* Services, roads, and scaling
* Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD)
* Source-to-Image

2. Red Hat® OpenShift® Lab for Beginners
This Lab will be the opportunity to create and deploy on your own hardware a sample Node.js application under Red Hat® OpenShift®.

This workshop will be led by Ronan Bourlier ( assisted by Xavier Rey-Robert (

The connection information will be communicated to you a few days before the date of this e-meetup.

Please sign-up to IBM Cloud to take part in this workshop