Deploying your applications to Liberty on Red Hat OpenShift

Learn how to use the Open Liberty Operator to manage your deployment


Cindy High,

Grace Jansen

Now that you understand the tools that help you move your applications to a more modern runtime and that produce a containerization starting point, let’s go through the steps of deploying a Liberty application on OpenShift.

To learn more about deploying your apps, review this content:

  • Running Liberty in a Container

    Gain detailed knowledge of using Liberty certified container images, where to get IBM images, and best practices for creating your enterprise container images. This presentation also shows a demo of building and deploying applications using Liberty containers in Docker locally and how to push images to the OpenShift registry and deploy applications there.

  • Migrate the DayTrader sample app to Liberty on OpenShift (Part 1)

    If your application does not need code changes or you have already made them, this article covers moving your application from its traditional WebSphere on-premises environment to deploying in OpenShift. Explore creating configuration, creating a container image, and deploying your application to OpenShift. It also shows you the power of the Open Liberty Operator and how you can use it to manage your Liberty deployment.

  • Migrate the DayTrader sample app to Liberty on OpenShift (Part 2)

    After getting your application running in OpenShift, learn how to manage operational qualities of service in OpenShift that you depend on in WebSphere Application Server ND. This article guides you with step-by-step instructions to:

    • Configure the Open Liberty Operator to set up replicas (similar to WebSphere static clusters)
    • Set up JCache session persistence with Infinispan
    • Optimize your container image size
    • Use ConfigMaps to modify the default image configuration.