Using IBM Mono2Micro

Using IBM Mono2Micro to modernize your application architecture


Cindy High,

Grace Jansen

In addition to modernizing your app using the WebSphere migration tools, you also need to consider modernizing your architecture.

To learn more about using IBM Mono2Micro to modernize your application architecture, review this content:

  • Strategies for modernizing your applications

    Learn about the three key strategies for modernizing your application: containerize the app (you can use Transformation Advisor to generate migration artifacts to help with containerization), update the application runtimes (you can use Transformation Advisor and the WebSphere migration tools to move your apps to Liberty), and refactoring the app into microservices (you can use the IBM Mono2Micro tool here).

  • Introduction to Mono2Micro

    Mono2Micro is a tool that helps developers refactor their monoliths into appropriate microservices. Mono2Micro uses the AI techniques of machine learning and deep learning to analyze application artifacts and automatically generate microservice recommendations.