
What is the problem?

Approximately 9 percent of the global population is suffering from hunger. And, much of the world’s food is grown by small-scale, independent farms and distributed through local community cooperatives who sell the surplus produce. The co-ops are a central point for quality control, deliveries, and enabling food commodity markets. However, these co-ops face a myriad of logistical challenges to get the right food to the right places with minimal time and cost.

How can technology solve the problem?

By bringing the paper ledgers of food co-ops online, communities can harness data insights from their environment for better crop resilience and overall yield for sustainable food production systems. More crops mean better access to food for the community.

Special thanks to our partner, Intuit, who contributed to the starter kits and are providing design thinking tools.

The idea

To improve access to nutritious food in local communities, especially those suffering from acute hunger, co-operative systems can be digitized and enhanced. By aggregating and analyzing market, transportation, demand, horticultural, and environmental data, co-ops can optimize productivity, reduce overhead, and decrease volatility in the supply chain of the farming communities.

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The architecture


Kit producers

Our creators of this starter kit along with their bios: